
OPStudio FAQ

General Information

OPStudio is an advanced simulation suite designed to study microstructure evolution in metallic materials, minerals, and oxides. It uses several different models for simulating materials processing, with the main model being the multi-phase-field method.

OpenPhase is an open-source library, written in C++ for the solution of coupled partial differential equations, so-called phase-field equations. It is meant for experienced users with sound knowledge in phase-field theory and profound programming skills. It comes with many examples to start your research.

OPStudio is a commercial simulation suite, that uses the OpenPhase library. Simulations can be set up and controlled via a Graphical User Interface. Programming knowledge is not required to use OPStudio, but custom code can also be injected by the user if desired. Extensions for multicomponent diffusion (OPDiff) and finite strain plasticity (OPMech) are available for OPStudio.

The open library OpenPhase contains more than 80% of the code, which is also the basis of the commercial software OPStudio. Not openly available are those parts that compete with other commercial software like Abaqus and Ansys for large-strain plasticity, or the open-source software Damask, which is supported by the German Max Planck Society. The multicomponent diffusion module, which also contains an interface to CALPHAD-type software and databases, competes with the commercial products DICTRA and PanDiffusion.

Core Functionality

The multi-phase-field method is the main model used in OPStudio for tracking moving interfaces between different regions of individual grains or phases. It uses phase fields to distinguish between distinct phases and describe their evolution, connecting with various other models like diffusion, thermodynamics, micro-mechanics, and fluid dynamics.

OPStudio allows users to set interface energies and mobilities between thermodynamic phases and supports various anisotropy types. The interface properties can be calculated using various models, including those for cubic and hexagonal symmetries.

OPStudio allows the implementation of user-defined functions and classes through the OPUserExe feature. Users can modify specific files to customize various aspects of the simulation without altering the core OPStudio code.

Simulation Capabilities

OPStudio offers several options including temperature curves over time, temperature gradients, constant cooling/heating rates, heat extraction rates as functions of a cooling/heating medium, latent heat production, and local static or moving heat sources or sinks. All heat sources and sinks can be activated and deactivated by various conditions.

Yes, OPStudio's nucleation module allows the addition of nuclei as new phase fields during simulation. Users can specify nucleation conditions, density, temperature ranges, orientation modes, and size distributions.

OPStudio uses the Lattice Boltzmann method for fluid dynamics simulations, handling complex fluid systems including two-phase flows and fluid-solid interactions.

The Grand Potential method is an alternative formulation of phase-field equations, useful for simulating phase transformations driven by changes in chemical potential.

OPStudio's elasticity module implements rigorous finite strain elasticity solver based on fast Fourier transformation method. It implements various elasticity models and strain formulations, and a number of mechanical boundary conditions. It can also handle chemo-mechanical and thermo-mechanical coupling effects.

Yes, OPStudio includes a damage module that calculates damage based on local plastic strain, with options for non-local regularization. First fracture models are under development.

OPStudio solves heat diffusion using an implicit solver, allowing users to set thermal properties, and solver tolerances, and choose between different solver types.

OPStudio offers various diffusion models including equilibrium partitioning, full or diagonal diffusion matrices, anti-trapping currents, and a vacancy diffusion model.

Yes, OPStudio has features designed for directional solidification simulations, including options to shift the simulation domain as solidification progresses.

Yes, especially when coupled with CALPHAD databases, OPStudio can simulate systems with any number of elements and phases.

Yes, OPStudio can simulate various solid-state phase transformations including precipitation, grain growth, and martensitic transformations.

Licensing and Installation

OPStudio and its extensions can be procured as a 1-year license with maintenance and service, or as permanent license with a yearly maintenance and service fee. Permanent licenses allow the software to be used if the hardware supports it. It is sold in connection with a 2-year maintenance and service contract with the option of extension. 1-year licenses are renewed annually. From the 3rd year on, the permanent license + continued maintenance and service is the significantly cheaper option.

A network license allows you to set up a license server within the user's network. This is necessary if you want to use OPStudio on a supercomputer or if you want to allow all users in a network to use OPStudio. The number of users (seats), however, is limited to your subscription.

A seat is a piece of isolated computing device, like a personal computer, laptop, workstation, or compute node in a supercomputer cluster. The number of simultaneously used devices is limited to the number of procured seats.

There are two options for how our software protection system operates, a hardware-based license key (USB-Dongle) or a software-based license key. The USB-Dongle will contain all the license information of the software you bought from us. We will ship it to you and customs duties will be applied when you import it. Depending on your country you may wish to contact an Import & Export company to assist you with the USB-Dongle. The advantage of the USB Dongle is that you can easily change the computer on which you want to run OPStudio. You plug in the USB Dongle in the Computer you want to use and install OPStudio.

Performance and Hardware

OPStudio supports OpenMP and MPI parallelism for shared- and distributed-memory parallel computing. A hybrid parallelization combining OpenMP and MPI is also supported.

Currently, OPStudio does not support GPU computing.

Hardware requirements depend on the intended simulation. Small scale simulations can be performed on a regular laptop, larger simulations require powerful workstation or a supercomputer. As a minimum for a dedicated workstation, we recommend:
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or Windows 10 or newer
  • CPU: Intel® Core™ i5
  • RAM: 32 GB
  • Storage: 1TB

Data Input and Integration

OPStudio offers options for inputting linearized phase diagrams, interfacing with OpenCalphad for open databases, and a user-exe for custom thermodynamic descriptions. For proprietary databases, a subscription to appropriate third-party interfaces is required.

The requirements for OPStudio simulations with ThermoCalc coupling include:
  • The OPDiff license (OPStudio extension)
  • ThermoCalc license
  • TQ Interface (not included by default in a ThermoCalc license)
  • The desired database

Yes, OPStudio can interface with various thermodynamic databases including OpenPhase Input Database (*.opid files), Thermo-Calc (*.GES5 files), and Open Calphad (*.tdb files).